четвртак, 12 септембар 2019 13:23


Колеге Одељења за еволуциону биологију ИБИСС су на 17. конгресу Европског друштва за еволуциону биологију (ЕСЕБ, 19-24. август, Турку, Финска) били организатори симпозијума "Evolution in real time: experimental evolution approaches".

среда, 11 септембар 2019 11:05

Immunology at the confluence of interdisciplinary approach

Друштво имунологиа Србије организује конгрес под називом Immunology at the confluence of interdisciplinary approach. Конгрес се одржава у хотелу Мона Плаза у Београду, од 6. до 8. децембра 2019. године.

уторак, 10 септембар 2019 13:43

Подаци о цитираности у РАДаР-у

Програмери РЦУБ-а уградили су алате за приказивање броја цитата у Scopus-у и WоS-у за институционалне репозиторијуме које они уређују. Ови алати су доступни и у нашем РАДаР-у.

уторак, 10 септембар 2019 12:51

XX European Congress of Herpetology у Милану

У Милану је од 2. до 6. септембра 2019. године одржан XX European Congress of Herpetology. Међу 300 учесника овог конгреса били су и истраживачи нашег института који су својим радом представили ИБИСС и Универзитет у Београду. На Конгресу су имали прилику да чују занимљиве и актуелне информације из области херпетологије, да се упознају са колегама из иностранства и направе контакте за будуће сарадње.

четвртак, 05 септембар 2019 07:59

Објављен програм 14. MCM2019

14. Мултинационални конгрес о микроскопији (MCM2019), који се одржава од 15.09. до 20.09. ове године у Београду, објавио је коначан, детаљан програма рада.

четвртак, 05 септембар 2019 07:29

Јубиларна 10. Ноћ истраживача

Европска Ноћ истраживача одржаће се у Србији по јубиларни, десети пут, 27. 9. 2019. Тим поводом 3. септембра одржана је национална конференција за новинаре где су најављене теме на које ће истраживачи покушати да одговоре из перспективе науке којом се баве.

среда, 04 септембар 2019 11:06

Neuroepigenomic and behavioral effects of sex hormones

Предавач: др Ивана Јарић, Одељење за цитологију ИБИСС и Division of Animal Welfare, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Швајцарска

Време: 27. 9. 2019. године у 9.30

Место: Библиотека ИБИСС

среда, 28 август 2019 11:57


  1. Ajdžanović V, Miler M, Živanović J, Filipović B, Šošić-Jurjević B, Popovska-Perčinić F, Milošević V. The adrenal cortex after estradiol or daidzein application in a rat model of the andropause: Structural and hormonal study. Ann Anat. 2020;230:151487.
  2. Alberdi A, Razgour O, Aizpurua O, Novella-Fernandez R, Aihartza J, Budinski I, Garin I, Ibáñez C, Izagirre E, Rebelo H, Russo D, Vlaschenko A, Zhelyazkova V, Zrnčić V, Gilbert MTP. DNA metabarcoding and spatial modelling link diet diversification with distribution homogeneity in European bats. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):1154.
  3. Alimpić Aradski A, Janošević D, Pećinar I, Budimir S, Dajić Stevanović Z, Matevski V, Marin PD, Duletić-Laušević S. Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae). Plant Biosyst. 2020;DOI:10.1080/11263504.2020.1727976.
  4. Amiranashvili L, Nadaraia N, Merlani M, Kamoutsis C, Petrou A, Geronikaki A, Pogodin P, Druzhilovskiy D, Poroikov V, Ciric A, Glamočlija J, Sokovic M. Antimicrobial Activity of Nitrogen-Containing 5-Alpha-androstane Derivatives: In Silico and Experimental Studies. Antibiot (Basel, Switzerland). 2020;9(5):224.
  5. Andjus S, Lazović V, Nikolić N, Tubić B, Nikolić V, Paunović M. Distribution of freshwater sponges in Serbia. Fundam Appl Limnol. 2020;193(3):195–204.
  6. Añibarro-Ortega M, Pinela J, Ćirić A, Martins V, Rocha F, Soković MD, Barata AM, Carvalho AM, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. Valorisation of table tomato crop by-products: Phenolic profiles and in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Bioprod Process. 2020;124:307–19.
  7. Aničić N, Matekalo D, Skorić M, Živković JN, Petrović L, Dragićević M, Dmitrović S, Mišić D. Alterations in nepetalactone metabolism during polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced dehydration stress in two Nepeta species. Phytochemistry. 2020;174:112340.
  8. Antonić DD, Subotić AR, Dragićević MB, Pantelić D, Milošević SM, Simonović AD, Momčilović I. Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Drought Response and Characterization of Dehydrins in Impatiens walleriana. Plants. 2020;9(11):1589.
  9. Atanacković A, Šporka F, Marković V, Slobodnik J, Zorić K, Csányi B, Paunović M. Aquatic Worm Assemblages along the Danube: A Homogenization Warning. Water. 2020;12(9):2612.
  10. Atanacković A, Zorić K, Tomović J, Ilić M, Tubić B, Csányi B, Paunović M. Range Extension of the Ponto-Caspian polycheate Manayunkia caspica Annenkova, 1929 (Annelida: Fabriciidae) in the Danube River. Acta Zool Bulg. 2020;72(4):619–22.
  11. Atanacković A, Zorić K, Tomović J, Vasiljević B, Paunović M. Distributional patterns of aquatic Oligochaeta communities (Annelida: Clitellata) in running waters in Serbia. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(3):359–72.
  12. Ayuso M, Pinela J, Dias MI, Barros L, Ivanov M, Calhelha RC, Soković M, Ramil-Rego P, Barreal ME, Gallego PP, Ferreira ICFR. Phenolic composition and biological activities of the in vitro cultured endangered Eryngium viviparum J. Gay. Ind Crops Prod. 2020;148:112325.
  13. Belić M, Zdravković-Korać S, Janošević D, Savić J, Todorović S, Banjac N, Milojević J. Gibberellins and light synergistically promote somatic embryogenesis from the in vitro apical root sections of spinach. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s11240-020-01878-3.
  14. Belić M, Zdravković-Korać S, Uzelac B, Ćalić D, Pavlović S, Milojević J. Variability in somatic embryo-forming capacity of spinach. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):19290.
  15. Bijelić DD, Milićević KD, Lazarević MN, Miljković DM, Bogdanović Pristov JJ, Savić DZ, Petković BB, Andjus PR, Momčilović MB, Nikolić LM. Central nervous system-infiltrated immune cells induce calcium increase in astrocytes via astroglial purinergic signaling. J Neurosci Res. 2020;jnr.24699.
  16. Bjelobaba I, Kanazir S. Neurological impairments in COVID-19 pandemic. Hrana i Ishr. 2020;61(2):71–7.
  17. Blinkova Donchevska M, Hinić J, Mitić-Kopanja D, Ristovska M, Sekovski D, Rebok K, Paunović M, Slavevska-Stamenković V. Ecological Status Assessment of the Strumica River Watershed Based on Macroinvertebrates-A Step Towards the Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in the Republic of North Macedonia. Water Res Manag. 2019;9(4):3–14.
  18. Bojović K, Ignjatović Ð, Soković Bajić S, Vojnović Milutinović D, Tomić M, Golić N, Tolinački M. Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis Associated With Altered Production of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020;10:223.
  19. Bradu C, Kutasi K, Magureanu M, Puač N, Živković S. Reactive nitrogen species in plasma-activated water: generation, chemistry and application in agriculture. J Phys D Appl Phys. 2020;53(22):223001.
  20. Breka K, Krizmanić I, Vukov T, Stamenković S. A procedure for taxon assessment based on morphological variation in European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex). Turkish J Zool. 2020;44(3):215–23.
  21. Bugarski-Stanojević V, Stamenković G, Ćirović D, Ćirić D, Stojković O, Veličković J, Kataranovski D, Savić I. 16S rRNA gene polymorphism supports cryptic speciation within the lesser blind mole rat Nannospalax leucodon superspecies (Rodentia: Spalacidae). Mamm Biol. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s42991-020-00019-9.
  22. Buzharevski A, Paskaš S, Sárosi M-B, Laube M, Lönnecke P, Neumann W, Murganić B, Mijatović S, Maksimović-Ivanić D, Pietzsch J, Hey-Hawkins E. Carboranyl Derivatives of Rofecoxib with Cytostatic Activity against Human Melanoma and Colon Cancer Cells. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):4827.
  23. Čakmak D, Perović V, Kresović M, Pavlović D, Pavlović M, Mitrović M, Pavlović P. Sources and a Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Dust at Children’s Playgrounds with Artificial Surfaces: A Case Study in Belgrade. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2020;78(2):190–205.
  24. Caleja C, Barros L, Barreira JCM, Soković M, Calhelha RC, Bento A, Oliveira MBPP, Ferreira ICFR. Castanea sativa male flower extracts as an alternative additive in the Portuguese pastry delicacy “pastel de nata”. Food Funct. 2020;11(3):2208–17.
  25. Čapo I, Milenković I, Čapo N, Stilinović N, Vukmirović S, Teofilovic B, Petković B, Sekulić S. Prenatal treatment with metronidazole induces cerebellar folia alteration in guinea pig fetuses. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(4):473–82.
  26. Cikovac P, Ljubisavljevic K. Another Isolated Relic Population of the Alpine Salamander (Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768) (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae) in the Balkans. Russ J Herpetol. 2020;27(2):109–12.
  27. Ćosić T, Savić J, Raspor M, Cingel A, Ghalawnji N, Vinterhalter B, Ninković S. Effects of different types of sugars and plant growth regulators on kohlrabi seedling growth and development in vitro. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;DOI:10.2298/ABS200622029C.
  28. Crnobrnja-Isailović J, Ćorović J, Ćosić N. New record of a Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) population in the northern part of Montenegro. Herpetozoa. 2020;33:121–4.
  29. Cruz LRO, Fernandes Â, Di Gioia F, Petropoulos SA, Polyzos N, Dias MI, Pinela J, Kostić M, Soković MD, Ferreira ICFR, Barros L. The Effect of Nitrogen Input on Chemical Profile and Bioactive Properties of Green- and Red-Colored Basil Cultivars. Antioxidants. 2020;9(11):1036.
  30. Cruz LRO, Polyzos N, Fernandes Â, Petropoulos SA, Gioia F Di, Dias MI, Pinela J, Kostić M, Soković M, Ferreira ICFR, Barros L. Effect of Saline Conditions on Chemical Profile and the Bioactive Properties of Three Red-Colored Basil Cultivars. Agronomy. 2020;10(11):1824.
  31. Ćuković K, Dragićević M, Bogdanović M, Paunović D, Giurato G, Filipović B, Subotić A, Todorović S, Simonović A. Plant regeneration in leaf culture of Centaurium erythraea Rafn. Part 3: de novo transcriptome assembly and validation of housekeeping genes for studies of in vitro morphogenesis. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 2020;141(2):417–33.
  32. Ćupić Miladinović D, Prevendar Crnić A, Peković S, Dacić S, Ivanović S, Santibanez JF, Ćupić V, Borozan N, Antonijević Miljaković E, Borozan S. Recovery of brain cholinesterases and effect on parameters of oxidative stres and apoptosis in quails (Coturnix japonica) after chlorpyrifos and vitamin B1 administration. Chem Biol Interact. 2020;109312.
  33. Cvetić Antić T, Janošević D, Maksimović VM, Živić M, Budimir S, Glamočlija J, Mitrović AL. Biochemical and histological characterization of succulent plant Tacitus bellus response to Fusarium verticillioides infection in vitro. J Plant Physiol. 2020;244:153086.
  34. Cvetković S, Todorović S, Nastasijević B, Mitić-Ćulafić D, Đukanović S, Knežević-Vukčević J, Nikolić B. Assessment of genoprotective effects of Gentiana lutea extracts prepared from plants grown in field and in vitro. Ind Crops Prod. 2020;154:112690.
  35. Dabić Zagorac DČ, Fotirić Akšić MM, Glavnik V, Gašić UM, Vovk I, Tešić ŽL, Natić MM. Establishing the chromatographic fingerprints of flavan‐3‐ols and proanthocyanidins from rose hip ( Rosa sp.) species. J Sep Sci. 2020;43(8):1431–9.
  36. Davidović S, Jelić M, Marinković S, Mihajlović M, Tanasić V, Hribšek I, Sušić G, Dragićević M, Stamenković-Radak M. Genetic diversity of the Griffon vulture population in Serbia and its importance for conservation efforts in the Balkans. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):20394.
  37. Davidovic S, Malyarchuk B, Grzybowski T, Aleksic JM, Derenko M, Litvinov A, Rogalla-Ładniak U, Stevanovic M, Kovacevic-Grujicic N. Complete mitogenome data for the Serbian population: the contribution to high-quality forensic databases. Int J Legal Med. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s00414-020-02324-x.
  38. De Castro-Català N, Dolédec S, Kalogianni E, Skoulikidis NT, Paunovic M, Vasiljević B, Sabater S, Tornés E, Muñoz I. Unravelling the effects of multiple stressors on diatom and macroinvertebrate communities in European river basins using structural and functional approaches. Sci Total Environ. 2020;742:140543.
  39. Devrnja N, Kostić I, Lazarević J, Savić J, Ćalić D. Evaluation of tansy essential oil as a potential “green” alternative for gypsy moth control. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s11356-020-07825-1.
  40. Devrnja N, Krstić-Milošević D, Janošević D, Tešević V, Vinterhalter B, Savić J, Ćalić D. In vitro cultivation of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.): a tool for the production of potent pharmaceutical agents. Protoplasma. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s00709-020-01588-9.
  41. Dias M, Caleja C, Pereira C, Calhelha RC, Kostic M, Sokovic M, Tavares D, Baraldi IJ, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. Chemical composition and bioactive properties of byproducts from two different kiwi varieties. Food Res Int. 2020;127:108753.
  42. Dimitrijević M, Arsenović-Ranin N, Bufan B, Nacka-Aleksić M, Kosec D, Pilipović I, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Simić L, Sopta J, Leposavić G. Sex-Based Differences in Monocytic Lineage Cells Contribute to More Severe Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Female Rats Compared with Male Rats. Inflammation. 2020;DOI:10.1007/s10753-020-01302-0.
  43. Dimitrijević M, Arsenović-Ranin N, Kosec D, Bufan B, Nacka-Aleksić M, Pilipović I, Leposavić G. Sex differences in Tfh cell help to B cells contribute to sexual dimorphism in severity of rat collagen-induced arthritis. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):1214.
  44. Dimkić I, Petrović M, Gavrilović M, Gašić U, Ristivojević P, Stanković S, Janaćković P. New perspectives of purple starthistle (Centaurea calcitrapa) leaf extracts: phytochemical analysis, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity. AMB Express. 2020;10(1):183.
  45. Dinić J, Efferth T, García-Sosa AT, Grahovac J, Padrón JM, Pajeva I, Rizzolio F, Saponara S, Spengler G, Tsakovska I. Repurposing old drugs to fight multidrug resistant cancers. Drug Resist Updat. 2020;52:100713
  46. Djikanović VD, Skorić SB, Mićković BM. Diet of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811) (Gobiidae) in the Danube and Velika Morava Rivers in Serbia. Acta Zool Bulg. 2020;72(4):629–34.
  47. Đorđević M, Grdović N, Mihailović M, Arambašić-Jovanović J, Uskoković A, Rajić J, Đorđević M, Tolić A, Mišić D, Šiler B, Poznanović G, Vidaković M, Dinić S. Centaurium erythraea extract reduces redox imbalance and improves insulin expression and secretion in pancreatic β-cells exposed to oxidative and nitrosative stress. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):117–28.
  48. Dragic M, Zeljkovic M, Stevanovic I, Ilic T, Ilic N, Nedeljkovic N, Ninkovic M. Theta burst stimulation ameliorates symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and attenuates reactive gliosis. Brain Res Bull. 2020;162:208–17.
  49. Drljača J, Vejnović A-M, Miljković D, Popović M, Rakić D, Sekulić S, Čapo I, Petković B. Changes in mouse thymus after exposure to tube-restraint stress. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):5–11.
  50. Đuknić J, Jovanović VM, Čanak Atlagić J, Andjus S, Paunović M, Živić I, Popović N. Simulium reptans (Linnaeus, 1758) and Simulium reptantoides Carlsson, 1962 from the Balkan Peninsula. Zookeys. 2020 Mar 25;922:141–55.
  51. Đurašević S, Nikolić G, Todorović A, Drakulić D, Pejić S, Martinović V, Mitić-Ćulafić D, Milić D, Kop TJ, Jasnić N, Đorđević J, Todorović Z. Effects of fullerene C60 supplementation on gut microbiota and glucose and lipid homeostasis in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 2020;140:111302.
  52. Đurašević S, Nikolić G, Zaletel I, Grigorov I, Memon L, Mitić-Ćulafić D, Vujović P, Đorđević J, Todorović Z. Distinct effects of virgin coconut oil supplementation on the glucose and lipid homeostasis in non-diabetic and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. J Funct Foods. 2020;64:103601.
  53. Đurić M, Subotić A, Prokić L, Trifunović-Momčilov M, Cingel A, Vujičić M, Milošević S. Morpho-Physiological and Molecular Evaluation of Drought and Recovery in Impatiens walleriana Grown Ex Vitro. Plants. 2020;9(11):1559.
  54. Đurović S, Vujanović M, Radojković M, Filipović J, Filipović V, Gašić U, Tešić Ž, Mašković P, Zeković Z. The functional food production: Application of stinging nettle leaves and its extracts in the baking of a bread. Food Chem. 2020;312:126091.
  55. Ehmedah A, Nedeljkovic P, Dacic S, Repac J, Draskovic-Pavlovic B, Vučević D, Pekovic S, Nedeljkovic BB. Effect of Vitamin B Complex Treatment on Macrophages to Schwann Cells Association during Neuroinflammation after Peripheral Nerve Injury. Molecules. 2020;25(22):5426.
  56. Elaković I, Kovačević S, Vojnović Milutinović D, Nikolić-Kokić A, Glban AM, Spasić M, Tappy L, Djordjevic A, Matić G, Brkljačić J. Fructose Consumption Affects Glucocorticoid Signaling in the Liver of Young Female Rats. Nutrients. 2020;12(11):3470.
  57. Esser C, Boots AM, Caignard A, Ciraci C, Grčević D, Knapp S, Montoya M, Di Rosa F, Saksida T, Stravinskiene D, Deniz G. The impact of COVID‐19 lock‐downs for European (female) immunologists – our views as members of the EFIS gender and diversity task force. Eur J Immunol. 2020;50(12):1855–7.
  58. Fernandes Â, Bancessi A, Pinela J, Inês Dias M, Liberal Â, Calhelha RC, Ćirić A, Soković M, CATARINO L, C.F.R. Ferreira I, Barros L. Nutritional and phytochemical profiles and biological activities of Moringa oleifera Lam. edible parts from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). Food Chem. 2020;341(Pt 1):128229.
  59. Finimundy TC, Karkanis A, Fernandes Â, Petropoulos SA, Calhelha R, Petrović J, Soković M, Rosa E, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. Bioactive properties of Sanguisorba minor L. cultivated in central Greece under different fertilization regimes. Food Chem. 2020;327:127043.
  60. Finimundy TC, Pereira C, Dias MI, Caleja C, Calhelha RC, Sokovic M, Stojković D, Carvalho AM, Rosa E, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. Infusions of Herbal Blends as Promising Sources of Phenolic Compounds and Bioactive Properties. Molecules. 2020;25(9):2151.
  61. Gajić D, Saksida T, Koprivica I, Šenerović L, Morić I, Šavikin K, Menković N, Pejnović N, Stojanović I. Immunomodulatory activity and protective effects of chokeberry fruit extract on Listeria monocytogenes infection in mice. Food Funct. 2020;DOI:10.1039/d0fo00946f.
  62. Gajic D, Koprivica I, Stojanovic I, Saksida T. Defective immunosuppressive function of Treg cells in visceral adipose tissue in MIF deficient mice. Cytokine. 2020;155372.
  63. Gajic D, Saksida T, Koprivica I, Vujicic M, Despotovic S, Savikin K, Jankovic T, Stojanovic I. Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) fruit extract modulates immune response in vivo and in vitro. J Funct Foods. 2020;66:103836.
  64. Gajić G, Djurdjević L, Kostić O, Jarić S, Stevanović B, Mitrović M, Pavlović P. Phytoremediation Potential, Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Response to Arsenic-Induced Stress of Dactylis glomerata L. Sown on Fly Ash Deposits. Plants (Basel, Switzerland). 2020;9(5):657.
  65. Garcia C, Isca VMS, Pereira F, Monteiro CM, Ntungwe E, Sousa F, Dinic J, Holmstedt S, Roberto A, Díaz-Lanza A, Reis CP, Pesic M, Candeias NR, Ferreira RJ, Duarte N, Afonso CAM, Rijo P. Royleanone Derivatives From Plectranthus spp. as a Novel Class of P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors. Front Pharmacol. 2020;11:557789.
  66. Gašić U, Ćirić I, Pejčić T, Radenković D, Djordjević V, Radulović S, Tešić Ž. Polyphenols as Possible Agents for Pancreatic Diseases. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland). 2020;9(6):547.
  67. Gavrilović BR, Prokić MD, Petrović TG, Despotović SG, Radovanović TB, Krizmanić II, Ćirić MD, Gavrić JP. Biochemical parameters in skin and muscle of Pelophylax kl. esculentus frogs: Influence of a cyanobacterial bloom in situ. Aquat Toxicol. 2020;220:105399.
  68. Geronikaki A, Kartsev V, Eleftheriou P, Petrou A, Glamočlija J, Ciric A, Soković M. Substituted 6,7-dimethoxy-5-oxo-2,3,5,9b-tetrahydrothiazolo[2,3-a]isoindole-3-1,1-dioxidederivatives with antimicrobial activity and docking assisted prediction of the mechanism of their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Curr Top Med Chem. 2020;20(29):2681–91.
  69. Geronikaki A, Kartsev V, Petrou A, Akrivou MG, Vizirianakis IS, Chatzopoulou FM, Lichitsky B, Sirakanyan S, Kostic M, Smiljkovic M, Soković M, Druzhilovskiy D, Poroikov V. Antibacterial activity of griseofulvin analogues as an example of drug repurposing. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020 Mar 1;55(3):105884.
  70. Ghada B, Pereira E, Pinela J, Prieto MA, Pereira C, Calhelha RC, Stojković D, Sokóvić M, Zaghdoudi K, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. Recovery of Anthocyanins from Passion Fruit Epicarp for Food Colorants: Extraction Process Optimization and Evaluation of Bioactive Properties. Molecules. 2020;25(14):3203.
  71. Glamuzina B, Tutman P, Glamuzina L, Vidović Z, Simonović P, Vilizzi L. Quantifying current and future risks of invasiveness of non‐native aquatic species in highly urbanised estuarine ecosystems—A case study of the River Neretva Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea: Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina). Fish Manag Ecol. 2020;fme.12463.
  72. Golic I, Kalezic A, Jankovic A, Jonic S, Korac B, Korac A. Insulin modulates the bioenergetic and thermogenic capacity of rat brown adipocytes in vivo by modulating mitochondrial mosaicism. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(23):9204.
  73. Gonzales-Barron U, Dijkshoorn R, Maloncy M, Finimundy T, Calhelha RC, Pereira C, Stojković D, Soković M, Ferreira ICFR, Barros L, Cadavez V. Nutritive and Bioactive Properties of Mesquite (Prosopis pallida) Flour and Its Technological Performance in Breadmaking. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2020;9(5):597.
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Институт за биолошка истраживања “Синиша Станковић” из Београда, Булевар деспота Стефана бр. 142, о б а в е ш т а в а научну и стручну јавност да је Научно веће Института на XVII редовној седници одржаној дана 08.07.2019. године покренуло поступак за и з б о р др Наташе Томашевић Коларов, истраживача у Одељењу за еволуциону биологију у научно звање виши научни сарадник.

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Институт за биолошка истраживања “Синиша Станковић” из Београда, Булевар деспота Стефана бр.142, о б а в е ш т а в а научну и стручну јавност да је Научно веће Института на XVII редовној седници одржаној дана 08.07.2019. године покренуло поступак за и з б о р др Дејана В. Стојановића, истраживача у Институту за низијско шумарство и животну средину Универзитета у Новм Саду, у научно звање виши научни сарадник.

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