Miloš Vratarić
Research Assistant
Miloš Vratarić
2020- PhD student in Molecular Biology
Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Molecular Biomedicine
2019-2020 MSc in Molecular Biology and Physiology
Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Experimental Biomedicine
GPA: 9.60/10.00
Master's thesis: "The effect of the late-onset dietary restriction on the development of inflammation in the liver of old Wistar rats"
2015-2019 BSc in Molecular Biology and Physiology
Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
GPA: 9.00/10.00
2023- Research Assistant
Institute for biological research „Siniša Stanković” - National Institute of the
Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Department of Biochemistry
2020-2023 Junior Research Assistant
Institute for biological research „Siniša Stanković” - National Institute of the
Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Department of Biochemistry
Obesity, Gut microbiota, Molecular endocrinology, Molecular mechanisms of metabolic disorders, Nutritional biochemistry, Aging, Diet restriction
Rodent models, Western blot, qPCR, ELISA, Histology, Bioinformatics analyses of metagenomics data
2024-2027 Project STRIMHealth (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-01, proposal number: 101159400)
2021 Recipient of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development contest for the involvement of talented young researchers in SRO's scientific research work
2021 Prize for the best master thesis, Foundation „Goran Ljubijankić“
2020 Scholarship for Students, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
2019-2020 Scholarship for the best students from the territory of the Obrenovac Municipality
2015 3rd place at State Competition organized by Regional Talent Center for High School students with research project ’’Dexamethasone affects biometric parameters and corticosterone level in serum and hippocampus of adult male rats’’
Serbian Society for Molecular Biology
Scopus ID: 57329447100
Researcher ID (WoS, Publons): GIK-8625-2022