Dr. Tamara Saksida
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Tamara Saksida
Dr. Saksida graduated from Biochemistry and obtained her master’s degree at the Faculty of Chemistry. The PhD thesis was defended in 2011 at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Since 2021, Dr. Saksida has been leading the Inflammation group. The research will examine immune cells in the gastrointestinal and pulmonary systems, their involvement in inflammatory illnesses, and the potential for physiological and pharmacological modifications. Thanks to the extensive research experience in autoimmune type 1 diabetes, the group has established models for autoimmune myocarditis and acute respiratory distress syndrome with the mission to advance understanding and treatments for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Dr. Saksida has engaged in three national projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, two funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, and four international projects. She was the leader of project ‘Compound A as a new candidate to rescue beta cells from cell death’ and was awarded a laboratory exchange grant for a collaborative initiative with the Oxford Vaccine Group. She has supervised six master's theses and three doctoral dissertations. Dr. Saksida is ‘For Women in Science’ Alumnae. She participates actively in the Serbian Biochemical Society, the Serbian Society for Molecular Biology, and the Society of Immunologists of Serbia. She is a member of the EFIS working group for gender equality and diversity.