Dr. Nataša Tomašević Kolarov

Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, general biology, 2001.
Master's thesis "Variation of age structure, body size and fecundity in Bufo bufo (Amphibia, Anura)" - 2005.
Doctoral dissertation "Evolution of the limbs of large marmots (Triturus cristatus complex, Salamandridae, Caudata)" - 2013.

Work experience:

During 2002 - teaching assistant for the courses Theory of Evolution and Evolution at the Department of Genetics and Evolution of the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade.
Since 2003 - Department of Evolutionary Biology, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković".

Research interests:

Phenotypic plasticity, morphological variability, environmental stress, behavior, limbs, development, amphibians, reptiles, biodiversity, protection of small aquatic habitats


European Herpetological Society


BARAmetar (2023-2024), Center for the Promotion of Science