Dr. Uroš Savković
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Uroš Savković
I completed my undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade in 2010 and then enrolled for doctoral studies at the Evolutionary Biology module of the Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade that I completed in 2016.
Since the beginning of my work at the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", I have been working in the Department of Evolutionary Biology. My basic research approach in my work so far has been experimental evolution. During my work, I have mainly focused on the responses of the seed beetle (Acanthoscelides obtectus) populations to long-term, transgenerational and short-term changes caused by alterations forom optimal (common beans) to suboptimal (chickpeas and mung beans) plant hosts. I examine differences at the biochemical, ethological, morphological and life history traits level. I am particularly interested in studying phenotypic plasticity and population growth parameters of the seed beetle population under changing conditions.
As part of the Idea Program of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, I lead the project: "Experimental evolution approach in developing insect pest control methods ELEVATE", number 7683961, 2022-2025.
I have completed a study visit at the Center for Evolutionary Biology at Uppsala University, Sweden. I am one of the organizers of the "Experimental Evolution Training School" realized at IBISS. I was a member of the organizing committee of the international scientific meeting "EvoKE 2019" as well as a member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international workshop "Molecular and Phenotypic Evolution: theoretical and practical approaches" funded by the European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB under Global Training Initiative fund. I am one of the co-authors of the science-popular exhibitions "From the Domain Cell - Evolution of Life on Earth" (2018) and "Zoobrainology" (2019), as well as numerous installations at the Science Festival.
I am a member of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) and Secretary of the Serbian Evolutionary Society.