Dr. Branka Bajić
Research Assistant
Dr. Branka Bajić
• Doctorate, Ph.D. (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2023)
• Master’s degree, M.Sc. (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2015)
• Undergraduate studies, B.Sc. (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2014)
• Research Associate, November 2023.
• Research Assistant, June 2020.
• Research Trainee, March 2018.
Dr. Branka Bajić studies the genetic diversity of bats and small rodents and their parasites. Her particular focus is on the host-parasite model system of bats and certain groups of their ectoparasites. She conducts numerous field studies, including monitoring of habitats and roosts of bats and their seasonal migrations in order to preserve populations of these protected species. Branka also conducts field studies on wild rodents.
She participates in science popularisation events at various popular science events, broadcasts and in the media. She participates in the informal education of students at the Petnica Research Centre and in biology student associations. She has improved her skills in various courses and workshops in the field of bat population conservation, programming in evolutionary biology, writing proposals and managing projects, and applying for funding for the protection of endangered species.
As part of the ERASMUS+ mobility programme, she spent three months in Italy in 2017 in the Applied Ecology group at the University Federico II in Naples (Italy) and one month in 2019 at the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature Conservation at the University of Greifswald (Germany), as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
She took part in international projects:
• "Exploring and mitigating the threat of Lloviu virus re-emergence in Central European Miniopterus schreibersii population" (Nature Conservation Foundation of Tolna County, Hungary), funded under the EUROBATS Project Initiative. https://www.eurobats.org/node/2725
• "Transboundary conservation of horseshoe bats in the Romanian-Serbian Iron Gates", (Centre for Bat Research and Conservation, Romania), funded by the Conservation Leadership Programme https://bit.ly/CLP_IronGates