Marko Đokić
Research Assistant
Marko Đokić
• 2021- Present, Ph.D. Module: Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
• 2021, M.Sc. Module: Applied Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Master thesis topic: "Increasing the tolerance of indigenous bacteria from cosmetic industry wastewater to sodium dodecyl sulphate by adaptive laboratory evolution"
• 2020,B.Sc. Module: Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
• Research interests in the field of genetics and conservation biology
• Research on an endangered mammal species - the blind-mole rat Nannospalax leucodon: conservation genetics
• 2022-Present, Department of Genetic Research, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - Institute of National Importance for the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Special activities and awards:
• 2020, Scholarship for Extraordinary Gifted Students grant- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
• 2020-2021, engagement and work on the diagnosis of the infectious disease Covid-19 in the PCR laboratory at the airport "Nikola Tesla"
Memberships in scientific associations:
• Serbian Biological Society (SBD)
• Society of Geneticists of Serbia