Dr. Aleksandra Patenković
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Aleksandra Patenković
● Date and place of birth: 02.10.1976. Belgrade, Serbia
● Research field: Population and Ecological Genetics, Eco/Geno/toxicology
● Education:
2016: PhD in Biology, Faculty of Biology UB (average grade 9.90/10); module: Population genetics and environmental protection
2004: Master of Science degree equivalent in Biology, Faculty of Biology UB (average grade 9.22/10)
● Employment history:
2005 - present: Department of Genetics of Populations and Ecogenotoxicology, IBISS
● Selected projects:
2011-2019: Dynamics of gene pool, genetic and phenotypic variability of populations, determined by the environmental changes, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
2013: Molecular analysis of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) populations’ variability using molecular markers, the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme DANUBEPARKS Step 2.0
2018-2019: Researchers’ Night ReFocuS 2.0, H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018, European commission
2019-2020: The influence of increased concentration of heavy metals in the environment on the genetic structure and adaptive processes of natural populations of organisms -TEMEGENS, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2020-2022: Honey bees of Serbia, wild vs. managed colonies through the eyes of population geneticists -SERBHIWE, call PROMIS, the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
● International scientific collaboration and mobility:
European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium
● Skills:
Experienced researcher in both laboratory and fieldwork, experienced science communicator
● Other:
2006 - present: engaged in education, both in formal and informal forms (Petnica Research Station, Regional Center for Talented Youth), as well as in the promotion and dissemination of scientific results
2015-2017: program coordinator for the Science Festival Belgrade
2012-2020 (except 2018): participant and member of the project team of six European Researchers’ Night (FP7 and H2020) projects
2019-2023: member of the program board of the Center for the Promotion of Science for the selection of projects that promote and popularize science and technology
Member of Organization Committee of three international congresses (2014, 2019, 2024), and one international symposium (2012) of the Serbian Genetic Society; Member of Organization team of 2022 DrosEU meeting in Belgrade
● Memberships:
Serbian Genetics Society, Serbian Biological Society, European Society for Evolutionary Biology, European Environmental Mutagen Society