Dr. Irena Hribšek

Research field: Ecology, ornithology, conservation biology, and conservation genetics

• PhD in ecological sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. (2022).
• Master of Science degree equivalent in biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. (2012).

Employment history:
• Natural History Museum Belgrade (2021-2023).
• Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade (2023-present)

Selected projects:
• "Belgrade Ornithological Research and Ringing Center" the project of the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, was co-funded by the Secretariat for Environmental Protection, City Administration of the City of Belgrade (V-01/4011-51). (2020).
• “Management of Griffon Vulture’s Population (Gyps fulvus) in Special Nature Reserves:” Trešnjica River Gorge” and “Uvac” through Marking and Monitoring Programs Using Satellite Technology and Video Surveillance” the project of the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, was co-funded by the Ministry of Environment Protection (401-00-745/2019-05). (2019).
• “Management of the population of Griffon Vulture using satellite technology” the project of the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, was co-funded by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (401-00-742/18-05). (2018).
• "Belgrade's Falcons" the project of the Foundation for the Protection of Birds of Prey, was co-funded by the Secretariat for Environmental Protection, City Administration of the City of Belgrade (401.127/2014-5-01).(2014).

Scientific membership: Serbian Biological Society