Dr. Pavle Erić
Research Associate
Dr. Pavle Erić
● Basic information:
Date and place of birth: 23.02.1992. Valjevo, Serbia
● Field of research: population and conservation genetics, experimental evolution, genomics
● Education:
o 2016 – 2024: Doctoral academic studies, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
- Program: Biology; Module: Genetics
o 2015 – 2016: Master of Academic Studies, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
- Program: Biology; Module: Applied Genetics
o 2011 – 2015: Basic academic studies, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
- Program: Biology
● Employment history:
o 2017-present: Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", University of Belgrade, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
● Selected projects:
o "Dynamics of the gene pool, genetic and phenotypic variability of populations, determined by environmental changes", OI173012, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2017-2079.
o "The influence of increased concentration of heavy metals in the environment on the genetic structure and adaptive processes of natural populations of organisms (TEMEGENS)", contract number 03-2019, financed by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2019-2020.
o "Honey bees of Serbia, wild vs. managed colonies through the eyes of population geneticists (SERBHIWE)", invitation PROMIS contract number 6066205, financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2020-2022.
● International scientific collaboration and mobility
o DrosEU (http://droseu.net/genetic-of-populations-and-ecogenotoxicology-belgrade-drosophila-group/)
● Membership in scientific societies:
o Serbian Genetic Society, Entomological Society of Serbia, European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB)