Dr. Božica Vasiljević
Research Associate
Dr. Božica Vasiljević
Dr Božica Vasiljević graduated in 2008 from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, module Ecology and Environmental Protection. She enrolled in doctoral academic studies at the Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac and in 2017 defended doctoral thesis entitled "Benthic diatoms (Bacillariоphyta) in assessment of the ecological status of the Velika Morava and the Sava rivers". Since 2008 she has been employed at the Department of Hydroecology and Water Protection, IBISS. The scientific research of dr Božica Vasiljević includes ecology of benthic organisms in aquatic ecosystems and water protection, with a narrower field of interest in ecology and biodiversity of benthic diatoms, as well as the development of diatom based methods for biological monitoring of freshwater ecosystems. She participated in the implementation of two national, three international and numerous applicable projects. Dr Božica Vasiljević contributed with professional help in trainings and consultations for the identification of benthic diatoms. During The European Researchers' Night in 2023 (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 – ReFocuS Art – 101061356) she actively participated in promoting science. She is a member of the Serbian Biological Society and the Serbian Society for Water Protection.