Dr. Jelena Stanković

Jelena B. Stanković was born on June 25, 1992 in Pirot.

• Ph.D. (Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Niš, 2022)
• M.Sc. (Ecology and Nature Protection, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Niš, 2016)
• B.Sc. (Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Niš, 2014)
She received her doctorate with a dissertation entitled “Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: in-situ and ex-situ research on selected model organisms of macroinvertebrates”. The topic of her master's thesis was “Length-weight relationship and condition factor of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)”

She was engaged as teaching associate at the master studies in ecology of the Department of Biology and Ecology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Niš, on the subjects:
• Bioindications and biomonitoring (2017/2018 - 2020/2021)
• Protection of biological diversity (2019/2020 and 2020/2021)
• Abiotic properties of aquatic ecosystems (year 2020/2021)
• Hydrobiology (2020/2021)

She was the leader of the project "Effects of fish farming on water quality in mountain springs and community structure of aquatic biota", no. of project 23343-1, funded by the Rufford Foundation, during 2017-2018. As a participant in the project „Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities - Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean“, no. of project 731065, H2020-INFRAIA, in 2018 she had a one-month study stay in Ankara, Turkey. She was a member of the national team for microplastics in 2019 as part of the project "Joint Danube Sruvey 4", International river expedition. International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).

She is the recipient of the Svetosavska Charter awarded in 2024 by the Svetosavska academy of the Faculty of Science, University of Niš for exceptional success achieved in the doctoral studies of the Department of Biology and Ecology.