Dr. Nikola Marinković
Research Associate
Dr. Nikola Marinković
Dr Nikola Marinković graduated from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade in 2013 and will receive the title of PhD in 2020 by defending his dissertation entitled "Taxonomic differentiation, diversity and distribution of species of the suborder Erpobdelliformes (Hirudinea; Annelida) in the area of the Western Balkans" at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade. He has been employed at IBISS since December 2013 and has held the title of Research Associate since 2021. For more than 10 years he has been involved in the research of communities of benthic aquatic invertebrates from the point of view of their use in assessing the quality of aquatic ecosystems, i.e. as an indicator of the state of the environment; the detection and monitoring of the impact of alien species; then in the research of their taxonomy both through the traditional morpho-anatomical approach and through the use of molecular genetic methods. Dr Nikola Marinković focused his research on leeches (Hirudinea) and in particular on free-living representatives belonging to the Erpobdelliformes group, the issue of their taxonomy and the ecology of this under-researched group of predators. During his career he participated in several national projects and one bilateral co-operation project. He participated in the FP7 project "Globaqua". He is a member of the Serbian national team that participated in the realisation of the fourth Joint Danube Survey (JDS4). During his research career, he has been involved in the preparation of 54 scientific publications. He participated in the promotion of science during the European Researchers' Night as part of the project "The Road to Friday of Science - ReFocuS 3.0", funded by the European Commission under "Horizon 2020" - Programme for Research and Innovation Activities, sub-programme "Maria Sklodovska Curie". He is a long-standing member of the Serbian Biological Society and the Serbian Water Protection Society.