Dr. Nataša Radulović

Previous work experience - Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy - INEP, University of Belgrade, Banatska 31b, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia, 05/04/1998. - 31.12.2022.

Education - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (2009); Master of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (2002); graduate molecular biologist, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (1998).

Research area - Investigation of the innate immune response to infection, molecules of the first line of defense, pattern recognition receptors. Examination of molecules, cells and mechanisms that mediate the modulation of the immune response and are involved in the modulation of autoimmune and other chronic inflammatory conditions.

Professional activities - Last national projects:
- Prizma: "Inflammation-driven cancer repopulation: seeds of progression and platform for therapy" (Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2024-);
- Promis: "Novel Immunotherapeutic Approaches for Autoimmune Diseases based on Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells induced by Nanomaterials" (Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2020-2022);
- Proof of Concept: "Development of anti-allergic intranasal spray EVTRIS based on extracellular vesicles from Trichinella spiralis" (Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2020-2021).

Participation in international projects:
- COST action BM1305: Action to Focus and Accelerate Cell-based Tolerance-inducing Therapies (A FACTT) (2014-2017);
- Bilateral projects: 1) "Testing the Hygiene Hypothesis: Trichinella spiralis secreted proteins in treatment of airway inflammation" (project participant; No.: 451-03-02141/2017-09/16; 2018-2020); 2) "Trichinella spiralis releases extracellular vesicles: Can they modulate the host's immune system?" (337-00-577/2021-09/41; 2022-2024) (project leader).

Membership in domestic and international societies – Immunological Society of Serbia; EFIS, IUIS; Biochemical Society of Serbia; Biological Society of Serbia.