Natalija Jonić

• Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2020 - PhD in Immunobiology
2019 – 2020 MSc in Immunobiology
2015 – 2019 BSc in Molecular biology & physiology

Volunteer work and workshop attendance
• European Researchers' Night, FENS, The Science Fair, conference ‘Forever curious – with science for the future’, Science Day (in Serbia), Brain Awareness Week
• Workshop held by the Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN): How to communicate modern science?

Research interests
Autoimmune diseases, type 1 diabetes, regulatory T cells, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and its modulation with newly synthesized ligands, innate lymphoid cells, intestinal immunity and its associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), as well as the immunological importance of the intestinal microenvironment

• Immunological Society of Serbia (ISOS)
• Young European Federation of Imunological Societies (yEFIS)
- Club of Serbian Young Immunologists (KMIS)
• Serbian Society for Molecular Biology (MolBioS)
• Serbian Biochemical Society (SBS)