Dr. Miodrag Dragoj
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Miodrag Dragoj
Dr. Miodrag Dragoj graduated in 2013 from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade, specializing in Molecular Biology and Physiology. In the academic year 2013/2014, he enrolled in doctoral studies in Molecular Biology, focusing on the Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes, at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology. He has been employed at the Neurobiology Department of the 'Siniša Stanković' Institute for Biological Research at the University of Belgrade since July 2014.
During his doctoral studies, he conducted scientific research through the project 'Identification of molecular markers for predicting tumor progression, response to therapy, and disease outcome' (III41031), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. He completed his doctoral thesis, titled 'Effects of CXCR4 receptor and focal adhesion kinase inhibition in invasion suppression and overcoming resistance in non-small cell lung cancer,' obtaining the title of Doctor of Biological Sciences on October 9, 2018. He received the 'Goran Ljubijankić' Foundation award for the best doctoral thesis in molecular biology defended in 2018 in Serbia.
After his PhD, he represented Serbia in two international interdisciplinary projects: 'Optimization of glioblastoma therapy' (funded by the American James S. McDonnell Foundation) and 'Development of thioredoxin reductase inhibitors as new anti-cancer agents' (ERA.Net RUS+ project).
Dr. Dragoj currently leads a project work package in the project from IDEJE program titled 'Functional diagnostics of non-small cell lung cancer - a new concept for improving personalized therapy in Serbia' (TargetedResponse) and in the PRIZMA program titled 'Biomimetic tumor engineering to enhance drug discovery' (BioengineeredTumor), both supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.