Dr. Smilja Todorović

2010-2019 - Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia, (2 years of maternity leave). Title: The effect of long-term dietary restriction on insulin signaling pathway in rat brain during aging.
2000-2009 - B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Physiology (subfield: Molecular neurobiology), Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia (average grade 9.03/10)

My research field is grounded on the effects of different nutritional approaches such as dietary restriction and fermented food, on behavioral and molecular patterns during aging and on the relations between healthspan and nourishment for the brain. One of the prime ambitions of my research is to establish the optimal food intake as well as pattern of food intake for healthy brain aging. Up to now, I have revealed that the beneficial effect of dietary restriction is highly dependent on the time of its commencement and duration in one’s lifetime.

2010 – to date: Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic” (IBISS), National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Research or academic titles:
2020-present Research Associate

Ph.D. theses supervisor
2021-present: Title: The Effect of fermented cabbage brine on lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in C57BL/6 mice. Anđela Vukojević, University of Belgrade/Faculty of Biology (mentor)
Teaching experience:
2021- to date Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade:
Lecturer: Neuroscience graduate programs - Methods in Neurobiology (2021-present)

1. 2021-to date: Co-leader of WG3 in COST action Promoting Innovation of ferMENTed fOods (PIMENTO) CA20128, member of the Core Group of PIMENTO
2. 2023-to date Reviewer for: Biofactors (IF:6.438), Dose-Response (IF: 2.623), Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (IF:4.3)
3. Rapporteur for TEATIME Cost Action

1. Federation of European Neuroscience Society (FENS)
2. Serbian Neuroscience Society (SNS)