Lecturer: dr Vuk Savković, Geschäftsführer Forschung und Transfer / PI Haut, Sächsischer Inkubator für Klinische Translation, Universität Leipzig
Time: 2nd April 2018, 12.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eva Kamerer, Philosophy Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Time: 14th February 2018, 14.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Volker Loeschcke, Bioscience, Section of Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Aarhus University, Denmark
Time: 13th February 2018, 12.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins, University of Leipzig, Germany
Time: 8th February 2018, 12.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Dr. Sergej Tomić, Univerity of Belgrade - The Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy - INEP
Time: 30th January 2018, 12.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ana Savić-Radojević, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Medicine
Time: 24th January 2018, 13.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: Dr. Ivana Nikolić, Department of Immunology IBISS
Time: 25th December 2017, 13.15
Venue: IBISS Library
Lecturer: prof. Daniel Chamovitz, Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University
Time: 15th November 2017, 11.00
Venue: IBISS Library.
Prof. Dr. Milena Kataranovski, Depertment of ecology IBISS, and Dr. Đorđe Miljković, Depratment of Immunology IBISS, organize the Simpozijum "Strain specificity as an immunological research tool", to mark the 70th anneversery of the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković".
Time: 25 October 2017, 10.00
Venue: IBISS Library
Lectuter: Dr. Zoran Obradović, L.H. Carnell Professor of Data Analytics Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Time: 16th October 2017, 12.00
Venue: IBISS Library
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