Anastasija Malešević

Anastasija Malešević was born in Užice. She finished primary and secondary school in Srebrenica. In 2016, she enrolled in the Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade in the Biology study program, where she earned the Bachelor’s degree in Biology in 2020. She continued her further education in 2020 at the same parent institution on the Biology study program, module Biology of Microorganisms and obtained the Master’s degree in Biology in 2021. After completing her Master studies, she enrolled in doctoral studies in the Molecular Biology and Physiology study program, Immunobiology module at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, in the same year. She has been employed at the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia since 2021.

Anastasija Malešević's scientific research work includes the examination of the immunotoxic effects of xenobiotics on laboratory animals and cell lines. The research includes the examination of local and systemic immune reactions after the action of xenobiotics, as well as contact hypersensitivity reactions. Part of the research includes the examination of the bacterial microbiota of the skin after exposure to environmental pollutants in order to understand their effect on the homeostasis of the bacterial community in this organ.

She is a member of the Serbian Biological Society and the Club of Serbian Young Immunologists.