Dr. Jelica Lazarević
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Jelica Lazarević
Jelica Lazarević was born on 02/26/1962. in Belgrade, where she received primary, secondary and higher education. She defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Physiological and genetic mechanisms of adaptation to unsuitable nutrition in the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L." in 2000 at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. She has been employed at the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade (IBISS) since 1990 as a researcher in the Department of Insect Physiology and Biochemistry. She obtained the title of Principal Research Fellow on 07/07/2010.
Jelica Lazarević's scientific research activity so far has primarily related to the study of short-term and transgenerational responses of insects to various environmental stressors (sub- and supra-optimal temperature, unfavorable host plants, heavy metals) as well as the study of the role of oxidative stress in the evolution of longevity. For the last ten years, she investigates the insecticidal and repellent effects of plant-derived compounds that can potentially be used in eco-friendly insect pest control.
Within doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, she participates in the courses Evolutionary Ecology and Insect Physiology.
She was the manager of three projects: #1615 "Physiological plasticity in response to environmental stress in phytophagous forest insects" 2002-2005 and #143033 "Physiological and evolutionary aspects of the stress response in natural and laboratory populations" 2006-2010 funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia and THYM-PROTECT “Thymol-impregnated cellulose acetate beads as bioinsecticide/repellent for protection of common bean seeds in storages“ 2023-2024 funded by World Bank within SAIGE project.
She was a mentor in 4 doctoral dissertations and made a significant contribution both in two more master theses and 4 doctoral dissertations.
She is a member of Serbian Biological Society and Entomological Society of Serbia.