Dr. Vesna Perić-Mataruga

1996 – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
1990 – Master of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
1987 – Degree in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

2006 – Principal Research Fellow, IBISS
2002 – Senior Research Associate, IBISS
1997 – Research Associate, IBISS
1990 – Research Assistant, IBISS
1987 – Research Trainee, IBISS

Member of the Board of the Serbian Biological Society.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Entomological Society of Serbia
Member of the Larger of the Scientific Field (natural sciences) at the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia
Member of the Scientific Council of IBISS

Teaching activity
- Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, PhD studies, Module: Entomology, Topic: Physiology of insects

Scientific interests - physiological responses of economically important insects to various stressful environmental conditions; physiological adaptation of insects to environmental stress (PAHs, toxic metals, heath, magnetic field, mycotoxins, etc.); assessment of sensitive/rapid physiological, biochemical and molecular changes that can be used as biomarkers and their integrative response; insect breading - edible insects as a sustainable nutritional resource and functional food, their potential in biotransformation of organic and plastic wastes and their products as high-value fertilizers for plants. She has been actively involved in various research projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, projects for the transfer of scientific results to industry and projects for the assessment and protection of insect biodiversity. She has been reviewer for numerous high-level national and international scientific projects and journals. She has already been involved in the preparation and realization of numerous dissertations, master theses and seminars. She is a member of the Serbian Entomological Society, the Serbian Biological Society, the Serbian Ecotoxicological Society, the European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology and the International Union of Toxicology