Dr. Marija Đorđević
Research Associate
Dr. Marija Đorđević
2023 - PhD, Faculty of Biology (BF), University of Belgrade (UB)
Thesis title: "Transdifferentiation of mouse pancreatic alpha to insulin-producing cells using Epi-CRISPRs directed DNA methylation "
2014 - MSc, module: molecular biology of eukaryotes, BF, UB
2013 - BSc, study program: molecular biology and physiology, BF, UB
Research interests:
My scientific research work is focused on examining the critical role of epigenetic mechanisms in influencing the transformation of pancreatic endocrine cells' identity. Additionally, I am exploring the potential application of a synthetic epigenetic tool, the modified CRISPR/dCas9 system, to reprogram cells as a potential approach to diabetes treatment.
Participation in projects:
National projects: IBISS work program financed by the Ministry of Education, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia (2020-), contract number 451-03-66/2024-03/200007; OI173020 of the Ministry of Research and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2011 - 2019);
International projects: COST actions: CA21113 (2022/2026); CA18127 (2019/2023); CA16112 (2017/2021); CA16119 (2017/2021); EFSD: Transdifferentiation of pancreatic alpha to beta cells via targeted epigenome editing using Epi-CRISPRs directed DNA methylation (2015/2016); Globaqua - European Communities 7th Framework Program Funding [603629-ENV-2013-6.2.1-Globaqua], (2014 – 2019).
2024 - "Goran Ljubijankić" Foundation award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of molecular biology defended in 2023.
• Serbian Society for Molecular Biology
• Serbian Biological Society
• Biochemical Society of Serbia