Dr. Nevena Grdović

• 1998 B.Sc., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Department of Molecular Biology and Physiology: Average grade: 9.36/10
• 2002 M.Sc., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
• 2007 Ph.D., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

Research title:
• 2002: Research Assistant
• 2008: Research Associate
• 2013: Senior Research Associate
• 2020: Principal Research Fellow

Research interest:
• Diabetes (T1D and T2D) including pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the onset of diabetes and diabetic complications; Epigenetic changes, especially changes in DNA methylation/demethylation and their impact on the expression of genes relevant for the development of diabetes, fibroproliferative diseases and cancer. Novel research is directed towards targeted methylation of certain gene loci with the aim of changing the phenotype of cells.

Participation in projects:
National projects: The IBISS work program financed by the Ministry of Education, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia (2020-), contract number 451-03-66/2024-03/ 200007; OI173020 of the Ministry of Research and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia (2011 - 2019); #143002B of the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia (2006 - 2010); #1722 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, Republic of Serbia (2002 – 2006).
International projects and collaborations: Project of 7th Framework Programme of European Commission „Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity“ No. 603629-ENV-2013-6.2.1-Globaqua (2014 - 2019); Participation and coordination of international cooperation with Dr. Ludwig Wagner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; dr. Talin Barisani-Asenbauer, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology, Vienna, Austria; dr. Tomasz Jurkowski, Institute for Biochemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany; COST actions: TD0905 (2010-2014), CA15219 (2016-2020), CA16119 (2017-2021).

Memberships in scientific societies:
• Serbian Society for Molecular Biology
• Serbian Biochemical Society – Member of the Fellowships Committee (2014 – 2017); Member of the Scientific Committee for the Serbian Biochemical Society Conferences (III – VII)
• Serbian Proteomic Association (SePA)
• Serbian Biological Society