Tijana Marković
Research associate
Tijana Marković
2022 – PhD student in academic studies, program: Molecular Biology; Module: Molecular genetics and genomics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2022 – Master of Biology, program: Molecular biology and physiology; Module: Molecular biology and plant biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2021 – Bachelor of Biology, program: Molecular biology and physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Research experience:
2022 – Preparation of PhD thesis, Department of molecular biology, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković."
2021-2022 – Preparation of Master's thesis, Department of plant physiology, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković."
Primary research interests:
Investigation of diabetes as a multifactorial disease and identification of target molecules for new therapeutic approaches, in particular the elucidation of the mechanisms of antidiabetic and antioxidant effects of extracts/metabolites of Nepeta rtanjensis in experimental model of diabetes (in vitro and in vivo), with emphasis on the investigation of the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in altered signaling pathways.
Other activities:
Volunteer in science promotion projects, such as the European Researchers' Night (Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions) and Fascination of Plants Day (European Plant Science Organization - EPSO).
The Serbian Society for Molecular Biology (MolBioS).