Dr. Jelena Podgorac

Scientific expertise:
• Prenatal influence of antiepileptics and neurobehavioral postnatal development
• extrasynaptic vesicles and epigenetic modifications througout generation
• maternal condition with effect on offspring development
• EEG and ECoG of rodents under various conditions

Working experience:
• 2015.- Research Associate – Department of Neurophysiology, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”
• 2011.- Research Assistant – “Neurological development of the offspring exposed to antiepileptic therapy”. P175006 (2011- 2021)
• 2008.- Research Assistant – “Effect of the traumatical, neurotoxical and neuroprotective substances on the electrical activity of mammals brain. Analysis and modelling. P143021 (2006 -2010)

• 2014.- PhD “Influence of the valproic acid during gestation on the animal model of the mouse – effect on the behavior and motor development of the offspring“. Medical faculty, University of Kragujevac
• 2007.- Doctor of Medicine - Medical faculty, University of Belgrade

Membership in profesional association:

• Serbian Medical Society
• Serbian Biological Society
• Serbian Neuroscience Society

COST Actions:
• CA22114 „Maternal Perinatal Stress and Adverse Outcomes in the Offspring: Maximizing infants development”
• BM0601 (NeuroMath)
• BM0605 (On Consciousness)

Reviewer activity
Invited review activity in World Journal of Pediatrics

• Symposium: ”Harnessing the Power of advanced Technologies for Group-Housed Animal Research”, Granada, 2023.
• “High Throughput Communication between Brain and Machines” COST Action NeuroMath (BM0601) (Greece)
• “Consciousness of the self – Consciousness of others” COST (BM0605) Corsica (France)

Oral Presentations and Leactures:
2016.- Podgorac J. “Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the offspring in the Tail suspension test (TST) which mothers were treated with different doses of valproic acid during entire pregnancy. 7th Global Annual Meet on Neurology and Neurosurgery. Vienna, Austria, 2016.
2012.- Podgorac J. “Effect of valproic acid on neurodevelopment of mice during gestation”. 17th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry “Stress and Behavior”. St-Petersburg, Russia, 2012;
2011.- Podgorac J. “Toxic effect of the antiepileptics on the cerebellum“. Brain awareness week in Serbia, 2011.
2010.- Podgorac J. “Animal models of depression”. Brain awareness week in Serbia, 2010.