Dr. Branka Gavrilović

Ph.D., 2006-2012: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Thesis title: “Antioxidant defence parameters in tissues of some species of freshwater fish from the Gruža Reservoir”.
B.Sc. and M.Sc., 2001-2006: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Thesis title: “Activity of gluthatione-dependent enzymes in the foot of three freshwater mussel species”.

Research Area:
Ecophysiology and ecotoxicology of aquatic animals. Studies on the parameters of antioxidant defense, oxidative damage, biotransformation and neurotoxicity in natural populations and laboratory-reared aquatic animals. Investigation of physiological biomarkers in ectotherms exposed to various anthropogenic and environmental stressors (cyanotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides, nanoparticles, desiccation, increased temperature, fasting, shelter availability, background color change, artificial light, noise). The interactive effects of stressors on the oxidative status of amphibians and reptiles. Redox regulation during hibernation. Oxidative stress in processes of hybridization and metamorphosis of tailless and tailed amphibians. Effect of anesthesia on the oxidative status of amphibians.

Positions and Employment:
Department of Physiology, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia:
Principal Research Fellow, 2024-
Senior Research Associate, 2019-2024
Research Associate, 2013-2019
Research Assistant, 2007-2013
Research Trainee, 2007

1. COST Action CA18221: “Pesticide risk assessment for amphibians and reptiles (PERIAMAR)”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2019-2024.
2. National Project No. 173041: “Molecular and physiological biomonitoring of aerobic organisms based on the determination of biochemical biomarkers of oxidative stress”, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2011-2019.
3. National Project No. 143035B: “Investigation of homeostasis disorders and determination of biomarkers of oxidative stress in aerobic organisms”, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2007-2010.

Academic Society Memberships:
Serbian Biological Society
Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology
Society for Free Radical Research - Europe