Dr. Tamara Petrović

I finished my PhD studies at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, in 2020. My fields of research are ecophysiology and ecotoxicology. I investigate the influence of environmental factors on various life aspects of anurans and tailed amphibians, one of the endangered group of vertebrates. The main goal of the studies conducted in the laboratory is to determine the physiological response, i.e. oxidative status, corticosterone levels in unfavorable environmental conditions and to predict possible long-term consequences on natural populations.

- Awards for Scientific Excellence (2018-2022), Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia

#173041 Molecular and physiological biomonitoring of aerobic organisms based on the determination of biochemical biomarkers of oxidative stress (2017-2019), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia
#11120 Development under artificial light at night. Biological impact of light pollution on amphibians - ENLIGHT (2024-2026), PROMIS 2023 program, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

Society of Experimental Biology, Society for Free Radical Research – Europe, Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology and Serbian Biological Society.