Dr. Danijel Pantelić
Research Associate
Dr. Danijel Pantelić
Research field and areas: Dr Pantelić's research interests lie in the field of Plant Biotechnology. He focuses on studying the underlying molecular mechanisms of tuberization in potato plants, with the goal of identifying key genes that regulate this process. Additionally, Dr Pantelić is interested in the characterization and application of stress-related proteins as potential markers for selecting potato genotypes that are tolerant to abiotic stress. By researching these areas, Dr Pantelić hopes to find new ways to enhance potato farming and ensure food security in changing climates.
University education: 2019: Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology, Serbia; 2011: Diploma in Biology (equivalent to the Master of Science Degree), Faculty of Biology, Serbia.
Specializations and Trainings: 2019: “Seminar and workshop – 3rd generation PCR” (PCR, qPCR, ddPCR), Belgrade, Serbia. 2015: “School of Proteomics - Practical Basis“, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Serbia.
Projects: 2024-present: Team member, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Project 7589: “Employing modern aeroponic technology and stress-protective nanoparticles for improved seed potato production under elevated temperature”. 2022-present: Principal investigator, research assignment within the Institutional funding framework of IBISS. 2020-2021/2022: Team member, Serbian-Slovenian bilateral project 337-00-18/2022-01/1: ”Screening of potato breeding clones suitable for cultivation in Slovenia and Serbia for resistance to pathogens, drought and heat stress”. 2011-2019: Team member, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Project TR31049: “Development and application of protein markers for heat tolerance screening in potato”. 2012: Team member, Swiss National Science Foundation, SCOPES project IZ73Z0 128031 / 1: “Priming of the heat and drought tolerance in potato”.
Member of the Serbian Biological Society, the Serbian Society for Plant Physiology and the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology.