Dr. Jelena Milojević
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Jelena Milojević
Jelena Milojević was born in 1984 in Belgrade. She completed her basic and PhD studies at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade and defended her doctoral dissertation in 2015. (modul – Plant physiology and molecular biology). She has been employed at IBISS (department of plant physiology) since 2010. Jelena is the mentor of one defended doctoral dissertation. She improved her knowledge by attending the international course: "QPCR Experience Workshop: Real-time PCR applications in plant biology", organized by the company "BioSistemika" (Slovenia).
Jelena is the author of more than 20 papers, mostly in highly ranked international journals, with more than 100 citations in international journals and numerous announcements at international and national conferences. Two papers of her doctoral dissertation were highlighted as significant contributions to the field of plant biotechnology in the "Agricell Report" review (http://www.agritechpublications.com/argenl.htm). She also won the award for the best young researcher poster presentation at a symposium of national importance. Jelena is a member of the Society for Plant Physiology of Serbia (DFBS) and the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB).
During her scientific career, she has studied the mechanism of induction of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis with special reference to gene expression and epigenetics. The main direction of her research includes the study of the mechanism of induction of somatic embryogenesis from spinach roots.
As an associate, Jelena participated in two national projects, as well as in two COST actions (CA18201, CA21157). She is currently engaged in the IBISS work program (reg. no. 451-03-66/2024-03/200007), within which she manages the research task "Study of molecular mechanisms of somatic induction embryogenesis from spinach roots".