Dr. Jelena Rudić

Research field and areas:
Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology. The function and significance of protective proteins in plants' response to high temperature. Examination and application of potential protein markers in the selection of heat-tolerant potato varieties, with the aim of enabling unhindered potato production in altered climatic conditions.

University education:
• Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, 2023., University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology, Study program: Biology, Module: Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology.
• Diploma in Biology (equivalent to the M.Sc.), 2012., University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology, Study program: Biology.

• 2023-present: National scientific project within the Program PRISMA: „Employing modern aeroponic technology and stress-protective nanoparticles for improved seed potato production under elevated temperature“, team member.
• 2020-2022: Serbian-Slovenian bilateral project 337-00-18/2022-01/1: ”Screening of potato breeding clones suitable for cultivation in Slovenia and Serbia for resistance to pathogens, drought and heat stress”, team member.
• 2017-2019: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Project TR31019: „Development and application of biotechnological methods for obtaining healthy plants of ornamental species“, team member.
• 2013-2017: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Project TR31049: “Development and application of protein markers for heat tolerance screening in potato”, volunteer.

• The Serbian Biological Society,
• The Serbian Plant Physiology Society,
• The Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology.