Tamara Carević

Tamara Carević enrolled in basic academic studies at the Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade in 2016/17. and ended in 2020. In the same year, she enrolled in master studies in the Biology of Microorganisms module, which she completed in 2021, defending her final thesis entitled "Mechanisms of action of selected flavonoids on Candida species". In 2021/2022. she enrolled in phD studies at the same module at the Faculty of Biology.

Throughout her studies, Tamara was the recipient of student scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and in her final year of undergraduate studies, she was also the winner of the Dositej scholarship for the best students in her last year of study.

She is currently engaged in research work at the "Siniša Stanković" Institute for Biological Research, an Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia, where she has been employed in the Department of Plant Physiology since 2022. The scientific field on which her research work is based is microbiology, with an emphasis on the virulence of microorganisms and the discovery of new antimicrobial agents.

Tamara participated in the "Researcher's Night" events (2022 in Belgrade and 2023 in Inđija), as well as the "Science Festival" in 2023 in Belgrade. She spent a month at the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna (November 2-30, 2022) doing experiments that are part of a bilateral project with Austria.

As part of the training program of the Pan-Balkan Alliance for Natural Products and Drug Discovery Association ("PANDA"), she was in Shanghai, China (November 29 - December 3, 2023) where she participated in the fourth annual conference, presenting the topic "Hesperetin's ability to reduces mono- and polymicrobial biofilms" (lecture by invitation).