As a valuable source of new and unidentified compounds with potential biological activity, selected rare and/or endangered plant species are phytochemically characterized. The advantages of both biotechnology techniques and knowledge on chemical composition, gives the opportunity to explore alternative means of secondary metabolites production, and to enable commercialization of some high-productive genotypes. In order to supplement the current knowledge on unexplored biosynthetic pathways, the isolation and characterization of genes and enzymes involved in the production of targeted compounds is performed.
Most of rare species appear to be restricted, in at least a part of their geographic range, by environmental factors (abiotic and biotic), and have specific tolerance limits toward them. We complement the current knowledge base on the mechanisms that govern environmental stress tolerance and affect current ecological diversity and distribution of selected plant species.
Dr. Danijela Mišić, project leader
Dr. Jasmina Nestorović Živković
Jelena Božunović
Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade:
dr Zlatko Giba
dr Aneta Sabovljević
dr Marko Sabovljević
dr Ljubinka Ćulaftić
Milirad Vujičić
Jelena Janković
Jovana Pantović
dr Angelos Kanellis
dr Nedeljka Rosić
dr Harro Bouwmeester
dr Alain Tissier
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