Partner: Kopaonik National Park
Period: 2021.
Project leader: Dr. Dajana Todorović, Department of Insect Physiology and Biochemistry
External advisors:
MSc Miloš Jović, Natural History Museum, Belgrade
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are a well-studied, not very diverse (in Europe) and rather conspicuous group of insects whose larval development takes place in freshwater ecosystems. Larvae of some species inhabit very specific habitats (like woodland streams and rivers, salines...). The largest and strongest dragonflies are the best predators among invertebrates and are therefore useful indicators of intact and well-structured aquatic ecosystems. Dragonflies and damselflies are very often included in national and international documents that are the basis for the development and implementation of environmental legislation.
In 2021, the first Odonata fauna diversity surveys were conducted in Kopaonik National Park, which was an important step towards assessing the environmental threat in the area.
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