
Scholarship for Young Talents 2021 Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)

The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) was founded in 2018 under the principles of "joint consultation, joint effort and joint sharing" championed by the Chinese "Belt and Road Initiative".

Every year, ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents supports 200 Master’s students and 300 PhD students to pursue postgraduate education at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) or institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) around China. ANSO welcomes all members and parties who are interested in creating a more diversified scholarship program together.

The online application for ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents 2021 is now open for application. Detailed information can be found on the website page of 2021 Call for Applications:

Please note that the deadline for application is due to the 31 March 2021 (Beijing Time).

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