"Early electrophysiological markers of the sleep and motor control disorders during aging in rats with neurodegeneration of the cholinergic neurons"
Library of the Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (Studentski trg 3)
7th June 2017, 10.00
IBISS Library
11th April 2017, 14.00
"Expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes in the liver of male and female fructose-fed rats"
IBISS Library
22nd February 2017 at 12.00
"Primena akvatičnih oligoheta (Tubificidae) u in situ i ex situ ekogenotoksikološkim istraživanjima"
IBISS Library
10th February 2017 at 12.00
"Evolucija starenja kod laboratorijskih populacija Acanthoscelides obtectus: uloga mitohondrija i oksidativnog stresa"
IBISS Library
13th February 2017 at 15.00
"Model ćelija C6 glioma pacova kao oruđe za pronalaženje novih terapeutskih strategija: karakterizacija rezistentnog fenotipa in vitro i in vivo”
IBISS Library
9th February 2017 at 12.00
"Effect of Aqueous, Methanolic and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum on Type 1 Diabetes Induced by Multiple Low Doses of Streptozotocin in C57BL/6 mice"
IBISS Library
28th December 2016 at 13.00
"Fiziološki i molekularno-genetički pokazatelji međuvrsne hibridizacije u okviru roda Centaurium Hill (Gentianaceae)"
IBISS Library
27th December 2016 at 11.00
“Intestinalni i sistemski imunski efekti oralnog unosa kadmijuma kod pacova”
IBISS Library
25th November 2016 at 14.00
"Parametri antioksidacionog sistema u tkivima žaba Pelophylax esculentus kompleksa kao biomarkeri izlaganja metalima"
IBISS Library
10th November 2016 at 12.00
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