
PhD student Marija Nešović was awarded EACR Poster Prize at the 4th Congress of SDIR

PhD student Marija Nešović, Research Assistant at the Department of Neurobiology at IBISS, was presented EACR (European Association for Cancer Research) Poster Prize 1st Place at the 4th Congress of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research "Bringing Science to Oncology Practice: Where is Serbia?" that was held on October 3-5th 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Poster nagrada SDIR Marija Nesovic InternetThis international meeting was attended by a large number of experts from the field of oncology to whom Marija Nešović presented a poster "c-Src inhibitors pyrozolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines, Si306 and pro-Si306, evade multidrug resistant phenotype and suppress invasion in glioblastoma" with results from her PhD thesis.

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