
The beginning of the project "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Prevention of Multimorbidity in Post-Conflict Serbia"

A two-day kick-off meeting was held from 30-31.01.2020. at the Institute for Biological Research "Sinisa Stankovic", to mark the beginning of the project entitled: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Prevention of Multimorbidity in Post-Conflict Serbia, Project Number X/164294. The main objective of the project is to investigate the issue of multimorbidity in Serbia, as well as possible links with environmental pollution and socio-economic factors in Serbia.

The project represents bilateral cooperation between the UK and Serbia, and involves several partner organizations: Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", the Institute of Public Health "Milan Jovanovic Batut", the Environmental Agency, the Institute for Social Sciences, the Institute for Medical Biostatistics, School of Medicine, and Ministry of Health, with the support by the regional office of World Health Organization. The principal investigator in Serbia Dr. Aleksandra Mladenović Đorđević. Partners from the UK are University of Sheffield and the HELSI-Healthy Lifespan Institute. Core group was formed at the first meeting, with representatives of all partner institutions in order to ensuring the smooth functioning of the project and timely fulfillment of the goals, and the first guidelines and specific activities in this direction were made. The project is expected to take 18 months.

  • 20200130-IBISS-01
  • 20200130-IBISS-02
  • 20200130-IBISS-03
  • 20200130-IBISS-04
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