
Advanced course "Molecular Targets for Anti-aging Interventions"

After two years of delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, in the period September 26th - October 1st 2022, the Joint FEBS/IUBMB advanced course "Molecular Targets for Anti-aging Interventions" was held on the island of Spetses, Greece. The main organizer was Dr. Aleksandra Mladenović from the Department of Neurobiology at IBISS and this is the first such course granted to Serbia.

The course was primarily intended for advanced Ph.D. students and PostDocs and covered various areas of aging, from the basic molecular mechanisms involved in the aging process to the interventions that can delay aging and age-related diseases.

The lecturers were eminent experts in the field of aging, while the course gathered participants from Europe, Asia, and the USA, 54 in total. Six Serbian participants were awarded with the IUBMB fellowships, while IBISS and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development financially supported the participation of researchers from IBISS - who participated in the course as lecturers and participants in round tables (Dr. Aleksandra Mladenović, Dr. Selma Kanazir, and Dr. Smilja Todorović), with oral presentations (Milica Prvulović) or posters (Anđela Vukojević, Milena Jović, and Valentina Simeunović).

Three poster prizes were given to the best posters, and IBISS's young doctoral student Anđela Vukojević won the 1st prize awarded by the IUBMB Life journal, as chosen by all participants.

  • Speta-2022-01
  • Speta-2022-02
  • Speta-2022-03
  • Speta-2022-04
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