
IBISS researcher participated in an event "Give Genes A Chance"

Dr. Milica Bogdanović, senior research associate at the Department of Plant Physiology, participated in a conference and workshop "Give Genes A Chance", in Brussels 24.-25. of March 2023.

The event was organized by the two early-career researcher initiatives - GeneSprout Initiative and Öko-Progressives Netzwerk e.V., and one NGO RePlanet.

Give genes a chance MBThe conference was dedicated to informing and empowering researchers to take part in the policymaking regarding the use of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs), such as genome editing with CRISPR-cas, in agriculture and other fields. Apart from talks by experts in the fields of science communication, lobbying, and political advocacy, discussions and workshops were organized involving 65 researchers from 16 countries, with IBISS being the sole participant from the Western Balkans.

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