
New publication

The Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" has published the new book "The First Catalog of Moth and Butterfly Fauna of Serbia (Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758)" by Professor Predrag Jakšić.

Prvi katalog leptira u Srbiji K1Professor Predrag Jakšić’s publication, "The first catalogue of the moth and butterfly fauna of Serbia (Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758)", represents a significant contribution to the knowledge of the biodiversity of Lepidoptera in Serbia, a group of well-studied organisms, among which many species are endangered and protected at the national and/or international level. The importance of knowledge about Lepidoptera is reflected in the fact that many taxa are indicator organisms, and based on information on population parameters, reliable conclusions can be made about the overall state of biodiversity in the Republic of Serbia.

The book is published online and it is available at RADaR:

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