
Orbitrap Exploris 120 Mass Spectrometer

A new liquid-mass spectrometer (UHPLC-Orbitrap Exploris 120) arrived at the institute. The training for working on the device was held in October by the company Analysis. The first round of training was attended by 7 associates from the Department of Plant Physiology of IBISS.

The UHPLC-Orbitrap Exploris 120 is a powerful analytical technique used for the separation, identification and quantification of unknown and known compounds, as well as for the elucidation of the structure of various molecules. This device can be applied in a wide range of sectors including biotechnology, environmental monitoring, food processing and pharmaceutical, agrochemical and cosmetic industries. The "Compound Discoverer" software package is supplied with this LC/MS instrument.

This device is used for detailed chemical analysis of plant and animal metabolites (organic acids, polyphenols, lipids, steroid hormones, fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, etc.), as well as for targeted and non-targeted analysis of a wide range of environmental samples - from air and soil to wastewater, sludge and drinking water, sediments, food and environmental contaminants (pesticides, herbicides, such as chlorophenols and phenoxyalkalic acids), in the food industry for the detection of trace contaminants (e.g. pesticide residues from crops and animal drugs that end up in meat products).

The Compound Discoverer software platform transforms small molecule data (from small or large data collections) into known compounds and molecular interaction networks. Softer offers a range of advanced tools for processing data with known precursors as well as working with unknown compounds.

  • 01. OrbiTrap
  • 02. OrbiTrap
  • 03. OrbiTrap
  • 04. OrbiTrap
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