
Annual COST action CA21157 – COPYTREE conference was held in Latvia

Dr. Slađana Jevremović, full research professor at Department of Plant Physiology participated in the Conference of COST action CA21157 - European Network for Innovative Woody Plant Cloning (COPYTREE).

The conference “In Vitro Culture of Woody Crops: Problem Solving by New Approaches” was held in Bulduru Technicums, Jurmala, Latvia in the period from 22-24th April, 2024. Dr. S. Jevremović has presented results as oral presentation entitled "Recent advances in somatic embryogenesis induction in Aesculus species" by authors dr. Snežana Zdravković-Korać, dr. Dušica Ćalić, dr. Jelena Milojević, dr. Maja Belić and dr. Slađana Jevremović within COPYTREE WG3 action group (Scaling Up and Automation).

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