
China-Serbia 15th Anniversary Science and Technology Cooperation Exchange Conference

In the library of the IBISS, on May 20, 2024, a ceremony was held to mark the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Agreement for Science and Technology between the People's Republic of China and Serbia, as three years of successful work of the Chinese-Serbian Joint Laboratory "Belt and Road", founded by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM) and IBISS.

The conference was attended by esteemed guests:
Vice Minister Chen Jiachang, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST), accompanied by colleagues; Assistant Ministers, Dr. Marina Soković and Ivana Vukašinović, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia (NITRA); Prof. Dr. Ye Yang with colleagues from the SIMM; colleagues from the Wuhan Institute of Industrial Innovation and Development (WHIIID); Prof. Dr. Vladan Đokić, rector of the University of Belgrade; Academician prof. dr. Tatjana Simić, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU); Directors and Deans of institutes and faculties from Serbia, as well as colleagues from institutes and faculties of the University of Belgrade.

During the long-term Chinese-Serbian cooperation, IBISS significantly contributed to the strengthening of those ties, implementing joint projects, cooperation, and exchanges in science and technology. One of those examples is the Joint Laboratory between SIMM and IBISS.

At the conference, Vice Minister Chen Jiachang (MOST) and Assistant Minister Ivana Vukašinović (NITRA) addressed the guests and pointed out the importance of cooperation between these two countries. Director of the Institute, Dr. Mirjana Mihailović, presented a brief overview of the cooperation between IBISS and PR China. While prof. Ye presented the history of cooperation between SIMM and IBISS, and the importance of the Joint Laboratory.

  • 01. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 02. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 03. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 04. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 05. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 06. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
  • 07. China-Serbia-15y-Signing-Ceremony
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