
Guest Lecture by Dr. Nataša Veličković within the PFAStwin Project

Dr. Nataša Veličković, coordinator of the STRIMHealth project, participated as an invited speaker in the lecture series organized within the PFAStwin project. Her lecture “The Impact of PFAS on the Development of Metabolic Diseases,” was held on March 18 in the Small Hall of the Kolarac Foundation.

During the lecture, Dr. Veličković presented the main objectives of the STRIMHealth project and the current knowledge on the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on MASLD. This event is expected to enhance the visibility and recognition of STRIMHealth results among the general public, as well as to strengthen awareness and preventive measures in the fight against the metabolic disease pandemic in Serbia.

  • 01. StrimHealth-Kolarac
  • 02. StrimHealth-Kolarac
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