
Second Announcement for the 7th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society

The Serbian Neuroscience Society has forwarded the secound announcement for the 7th Congress that will take place in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in Belgrade from 25th to 27th October, 2017.

The official language of the Congress is English.
The work at the 7th Congress will cover the following topics:

- Neuroinflammation
- Maintaining homeostasis: interaction between CNS and periphery
- Translational approaches in neurological disorders
- Brain and behavior
- Neuroplasticity

The meeting will also include the workshop on soft skills for young scientists.

Deadline for registration and abstracts submission is August 15, 2017. Accepted oral and poster presentations will be printed in the Book of Abstracts and best poster presentations will be awarded. All information regarding participation, registration and scientific program of the 7th SNS Congress will soon be available at

Here you can download the official second announcement for the Congress.

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