
The citizen science project Obtectus Finders

This year the Center for the Promotion of the Science of the Republic of Serbia and the Program "Start Up For Science" have supported the citizen science project Obtectus Finders. The main goal of the Obtectus Finders is to analyze the genetic variability of natural populations of seed beetles, which go by the scientific name Acanthoscelides obtectus. To accomplish this aim we want to partner with the public in order to collect beetles from a large number of different locations. The involvement of volunteers in collecting beetles will help us uncover the distribution of this pest insect at broad geographic scales and understand their population genetic structure.

The main goal of the citizen science project Obtectus Finders is to analyze the genetic variability of natural populations of seed beetles, which go by the scientific name Acanthoscelides obtectus. To accomplish this aim we want to partner with public in order to collect beetles from large number of different locations. The involvement of volunteers in collecting beetles will help us uncover the distribution of this pest insect at broad geographic scales and understand their population genetic structure.

Citizen science projects are projects that actively involve public in scientific research that generates new knowledge. The citizens collaborate with professional scientists in gathering, analyzing and interpreting the data. Citizen science canOpasulji se logo improve science literacy of volunteers by helping them better understand scientific methodology (how science is done) and enhance a bidirectional flow of information between the public and scientists. Also, citizen science can answer local community questions of concern like air or water pollution. Moreover, active participation of volunteers and scientists in citizen science projects contributes to democratization of science and decentralization of science promotion.

For scientists, citizen science provides an opportunity to gather information that would be impossible to collect because of limitations of time and financial resources. Moreover, it can often operate at greater geographic scales than conventional science.

This project is supported by Center for the Promotion of the Science of the Republic of Serbia and by the grant "Start Up For Science".

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