
News and events

"Sinergistički efekat genomskog i sredinskog stresa u dve populacije Drosophila subobscura"

IBISS Library

27th September 2016 at 14.00

"Uloga fenotipske plastičnosti osobina životne istorije i ponašanja u procesima specijacije Acanthoscelides obtectus"

IBISS Library

23rd September 2016 at 15.00

Serbia is, this year as well, a part of the European Researcher’s Night that is organized in many European and neighboring countries every year on the last Friday in September. This year the Researchers’ Night will be held on September 30, 17-22 h, in 7 cities in Serbia: Belgrade, Niš, Kragujevac, Pirot, Požarevac, Petnica and Inđija.

For the first time IBISS is the coordinator and the holder of the Horizon 2020 project "Researchers' Night", funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska - Curie actions. The European Researchers' Night aims to bring researchers closer to the general public and to increase awareness of research and innovation activities, with a view to supporting the public recognition of researchers, creating an understanding of the impact of researchers' work on citizen’s daily life, and encouraging young people to embark on research careers. Every year, on the last Friday in September, scientists go out to the streets to bring science closer to general public.

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