
News and events

Dr. Marijana Skorić from the Department of Plant Physiology on behalf of IBISS participated at „The Second China-CEEC Conference on Technology Cooperation and Exchange“ in Nanjing, October 18-23, 2023.

Lecturer: Dr. Markus Schosserer

Time: Wednesday, 15th November 2023, 13.00

Venue: IBISS Library

A group of researchers at Stanford University has updated the author database of standardised citation indicators and published the results for 2022. This list includes the most cited scientists from across academia and this year also includes our three colleagues, researchers from the Institute of Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", Dr. Marina Soković, Dr. Jasmina Glamočlija and Dr. Marija Ivanov, associates of the Department of Plant Physiology.

On Friday, October 20, 2023, a Memorandum of understanding was signed between the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" and the Wuhan Institute of Industrial Innovation and Development (WHIIID), as well as Nano Body Life Science and Technology Co., Ltd (NBLST).

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