
News and events

On genetic code recoding, protein synthesis and beyond

Lecturer:Dr. Miljan Simonović, Associate professor at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine, The University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Time: 7th June 2017, 11.00-13.00

Venue: IBISS Library

Career Development

Lecturer: Dr. Miljan Simonović, Associate professor at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine, The University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Time: 7th June 2017, 13.00-15.00

Venue: IBISS Library

"Early electrophysiological markers of the sleep and motor control disorders during aging in rats with neurodegeneration of the cholinergic neurons"

Library of the Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (Studentski trg 3)

7th June 2017, 10.00

The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" will this year mark the 70th anniversary of the Institute.

Programme (in Serbian)

Time: 30th May 2017, beginning at 10.00

Place: IBISS Library

Lecturer: Michael A. Chirillo, MD/PhD, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, USA

Time: 17th May 2017, 14.00

Place: IBISS Library

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