
At this year's competition "Communities Together" announced by the NIS company, IBISS won funds in the amount of 1,107,852.00 dinars, which are intended for the purchase of an automated biochemical analyzer. The procurement, installation and commissioning of the analyzer will take place over the next few months.

A group of researchers at Stanford University has updated the author database of standardised citation indicators and published the results for 2022. This list includes the most cited scientists from across academia and this year also includes our three colleagues, researchers from the Institute of Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", Dr. Marina Soković, Dr. Jasmina Glamočlija and Dr. Marija Ivanov, associates of the Department of Plant Physiology.

Dr. Marijana Skorić from the Department of Plant Physiology on behalf of IBISS participated at „The Second China-CEEC Conference on Technology Cooperation and Exchange“ in Nanjing, October 18-23, 2023.

On Friday, October 20, 2023, a Memorandum of understanding was signed between the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" and the Wuhan Institute of Industrial Innovation and Development (WHIIID), as well as Nano Body Life Science and Technology Co., Ltd (NBLST).

A new liquid-mass spectrometer (UHPLC-Orbitrap Exploris 120) arrived at the institute. The training for working on the device was held in October by the company Analysis. The first round of training was attended by 7 associates from the Department of Plant Physiology of IBISS.

Delegations from two Wuhan institutions and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica are visiting Serbia, and the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković".

The Serbian Society for Molecular Biology awarded the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" a certificate of appreciation for its contribution to the realization of the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS2).

The training school "Temporary Immersion Bioreactors, Opportunities and Pitfalls for Mass Production" was organized under the framework of the COST action COPYTREE CA21157, at the Çukurova University, Adana Turkey, September 25-27, 2023.

The fourteenth European Researchers’ Night was held on September 29th. Since 2011, this event has been hosted in Serbia, with active participation from IBISS researchers who are dedicated to science popularization. 

The Serbian Association for Cancer Research awarded a certificate of appreciation to the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" for successful cooperation and financial support in the realization of the 6th Congress of SDIR with international participation.

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